Thursday 27 October 2016

Five tips to refresh your brand

There is an old proverb that says ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ which means that extensive knowledge of or close association with something leads to a loss of respect for it.  Now, it may not necessarily be a loss of respect but customers can and do get bored with the same old, same old.  Particularly if a newer, fresher brand is introduced to the market, the lure of the new brand can cause customers to begin to wane.

It is therefore important and recommended that throughout the life the business, you creatively refresh your brand (at intervals) to ensure that your customer base remains engaged and new customers are attracted to what your brand is becoming.

The following are five tips that you may use to refresh your brand

 Add a new product, programme or activity - The number one recommendation to refresh a brand is to either add a new product, programme or activity to your product line.   Introducing a new product to the business re-energizes the entrepreneur and excites the customers.  With new and revised products and services, the business is showing that it is here to stay and that customers can depend on it to fulfill their needs at every interval.

Consider upgrading your brand identity – The Company’s logo is its most visible identifying mark.  However, as the business moves through its life cycle, there comes a time when it must adjust not only its message but its ‘mark’ to show that it is indeed responsive to the market.  Whether incorporating a new element or redesigning for sharpness and clarity, the logo must retain those elements that helped to define your brand in the first instance.

The evolution of the Pepsi logo - Image courtesy of Pepsi Logo History
Adjust your tagline/company motto – Your tagline or company motto is an important symbol for your business.  *For customers, it is an expression of the value that your company creates and for employees, a motto is the purpose for the company and an expression of the company's culture.*   As the company begins to achieve its long term vision, adjusting your motto may become necessary.  You may start out with something like “Food on call” for your Meals-on-Wheels business, but having acquired a permanent space, the tag no longer works.  An adjustment to ‘Food at your service” will inform your customers that you are still committed to providing tasty dishes but you can dine in a warm atmosphere.

Get your customers involved – As a business owner, one of your greatest resources are your customers.   You can therefore involve them in the refreshing process by making a competition out of it.  Offer prizes and incentives for the best suggestions.  This way the customers will feel like they are a part of the business.

 Redo your collateral material – Having upgraded your logo and adjusted your tagline, it follows that you should redo your collateral material.  Your brochures, flyers and advertisements should all get a makeover.  Ensure that you include all the new information about the products and services, as well as the changes you have made to the business so that it operates more efficiently, for the satisfaction of the customer.


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