Monday 10 October 2016

The Website

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This may be a particularly frightening concept in 2016 but there are still many businesses that don’t yet have a website!  Especially for companies whose main market is other companies i.e. B2B, a website is extremely important as it provides a point of reference for both customers and companies seeking additional information about that business. 

A website is a critical tool for today’s business for many reasons.  First and most obviously, the world is digitizing at a rapid rate.  The proliferation of smart phone and other technologies means that information should be available at the fingertips; and people will always have a need for that information now.  A website allows your business to do NOW.

A website provides your business with a whole host of other advantages.  It’s accessible around the clock, from anywhere in the world using any internet capable device.  This opens up your business to literally multiple client groups from multiple locations, with multiple tastes, needs preferences.  And, because it’s online, the business is always open.  Information is accessible in varying time zones across the upper and lower meridian.

An online or internet based business is also flexible in that it can expand or contract and the client never has to know, especially if it contracts.  As it is not ‘brick and mortar’ there are no overhead expenses.  An online business’s expansion does not mean cost; it actually means increased revenue and increased sales.

Another important advantage of a website is credibility.  When customers are able to ‘Google’ your company and find it online, it legitimizes the business in the customer’s mind.  Your company website should detail your business operations.  The website should say what the company does, who it does it for, what qualifies the company to do this kind of business and more importantly, why a customer should trust your company to conduct business with you.  And if the website is properly done, the last question will be answered through client testimonials and other facts that can back up your integrity.

Finally, if your business, particularly if it’s a commercial business, is not online, it is missing out on the ecommerce opportunities.   This is not to say that other businesses will not benefit from an online interface.  Because they absolutely will – if even just for research purposes!  But for commercial businesses, ecommerce basically allows the business to operate on autopilot.  Imagine, your business is making money while you sleep, or while you are negotiating the next big distribution contract. 
Regardless of size, have an online interface is critical for businesses.  If you don’t have one, start with a Facebook page ( like I did, or set up a free blog (like the one you’re reading now) --- there are also ‘free’ options available online to build your own website.  These include Wix, Weebly or Squarespace.

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